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In-Chair Teeth Whitening

Do you have an event coming up such as a wedding, date or job interview? You likely want to see quick results with your teeth whitening. In this case, it’s ideal to have your whitening completed in a single appointment at our practice. After we have evaluated you and you’ve decided to move forward with whitening, the process will be as follows. Over about an hour, we’ll apply the whitening gel and supervise you the entire time for your safety. When the whitening is complete, we’ll advise you on how to maintain the best results. Take-Home Whitening Kits

Take-Home Whitening Kits

If you aren’t in a rush to have your whitening completed, you may prefer to have a take-home whitening kit. This kit consists of custom-made trays containing the whitening gel. Please note that a weaker strength of gel is given than you would receive during our in-chair procedure. Your results with our take-home kit may not be quite as bright as what you can get with in-chair whitening. You’ll receive full instructions on how to use your whitening kit and what to do afterwards to maintain your results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of results can I get from teeth whitening?

The results you will get from teeth whitening depend on a few factors. First, the whitening power of our in-chair whitening is going to be superior to our take-home kit. The reason is that we can use a professional-strength whitening gel when you come into our practice to have your whitening completed. At the end of your procedure, you’ll see a difference in your smile straightaway. It will also depend on how discoloured your teeth were to begin with.

Am I a candidate for teeth whitening?

There are few contraindications to having teeth whitening completed. We’ll be happy to assess you and let you know if we think that you can move forward with teeth whitening.

Will my teeth be sensitive afterwards?

It’s common that sensitivity is reported after whitening teeth. We use whitening systems with reputations around the world for their results. Any sensitivity you may feel shouldn’t last more than a few days after you’ve completed your whitening.

Teeth Whitening patient



"Teeth whitening is a great way to improve your smile and improve your confidence."

- Dr Leona Yu

Teeth Whitening at My Dental Moments

Over the years, you may have noticed that your teeth aren’t as white as they used to be. It’s true that despite brushing, flossing and having dental checkups, your teeth may still discolour a bit over time. Drinking red wine, coffee and tea or smoking can contribute to teeth that are no longer bright. If you would like to show off gorgeous pearly whites again, we provide teeth whitening.


You can choose to whiten your teeth in a single appointment at My Dental Moments. Alternatively, you can get a convenient take-home kit and complete your whitening in the evenings at your convenience.

Considering Teeth Whitening?

At our West Ryde clinic, our team only offers teeth whitening systems renown the world over. We do recommend that you ensure your teeth are in good condition before undertaking teeth whitening procedures. Come meet the My Dental Moments team and our experienced dentists will assess your oral health and discuss all your teeth whitening options.

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